
I was born and raised in a working-class family in Southern California. My mom was a delivery driver and my stepdad was a union grocer. My parents never struggled to feed us or put clothes on our backs, but it was no life of luxury for my two older sisters and me. I moved to Humboldt County in 1993 to attend Humboldt State University. Making my way through college with whatever help my parents could afford, summer jobs, and student loans.  I took a year away from school in 1995 to join AmeriCorps in its inaugural year. After my year of service, I finished school and graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Natural Resources Planning. In 1997, I found a job with the California Conservation Corps managing a watershed restoration program, and have been a state civil servant ever since. I currently work for the California Department of Fish and Wildlife’s Watershed Enforcement Team.

I’ve lived in Humboldt County for 31 years, 11 of those residing in the Fourth Ward. My wife, Gina, and I met in AmeriCorps, and were married in 2001. Gina is a nurse at St. Joseph Hospital, where she has worked since 2010. She is a board member of the Redwood Coast Mountain Bike Association and an avid mountain biker. We have two boys, ages 16 and 19, one who attends Eureka High and the other is now off to college. I have enjoyed coaching them in both club and competitive soccer since the time they were able to kick a ball. We’ve proudly made Eureka our home since 2002.

I have a strong belief in what I call an ‘ethic of service’, which is why I decide to run for Eureka City Council in 2020. Since being elected, I’ve spent the past four years not only serving the citizens of Eureka on the city council, but I also represent our community on the following Boards:

  • League of California Cities (CalCities), Board of Directors. I represent the Redwood Empire Division on this Board, whose mission is to protect the interests of all 780 plus cities in California.

  • Humboldt Bay Fire JPA, Board of Directors (Vice Chair)

  • Redwood Coast Energy Authority, Board of Directors (Vice Chair)

  • Keep Eureka Beautiful

I’ve spent my entire life dedicated to public service. I spent more than a decade in a leadership role with the California Association of Professional Scientists (CAPS), a labor union representing more than 3,000 state scientists. Prior to my service with CAPS, I served as a Bargaining Unit representative for SEIU Local 1000. Besides working with labor organizations, I’ve served on various community organizations and boards including but not limited to Eureka Open Space and Parks Committee, Humboldt Fish Action Council, and the Americorps Watershed Stewards Project Advisory Committee. I’ve always enjoyed serving my fellow citizens and co-workers, and my time as a councilmember has been one of the most rewarding and challenging public service efforts in my life.

Please re-elect me to the Eureka City Council when you vote on November 5th.

Thank you!

Scott Bauer